Mapping Out America’s Native Food Trail
Pull up a chair. Let me tell you a story.
The road to our future has a veil. The path appears hidden, Nearly erased on purpose. The Americas’ Indigenous peoples and Native foods. What if we lift the veil? Witness sacred seed? Remember the sacred food songs? Celebrate the food dances? Discover what our ancestors knew? Unearth what is being lost? What is yet to be gained? Right now, what do our diets look like? Are we really feeding ourselves? Or is someone feeding us what they want us to eat? What’s behind the veil? Can we reconnect physically, mentally, and spiritually with Indigenous foods? Should we? What if Indigenous foods can connect us to nature and to each other? I believe that the connectedness of our past remains with us. What if we reset the table? … re-introduce everyone? What would happen if you discover this trail with me? Native Foods? Native Food Films? Native Food Chefs & Restaurants? Native Food change-makers? Native Keepers of Sacred Seed? I believe this could be a kind of homecoming. Afterall, Mitákuye Oyásʼiŋ; as the Lakota say, “We are all related.” |
I am a witness. A Locklear. Proud to be a Lumbee Indian. An emissary. A food warrior. From the swamps of Saddletree N.C. I believe we can travel back to the beginning. To our organic beginning. To the foundation of food purity. In nature’s pantry.
I believe when we share food We can grieve together. Heal together. Experience joy. I believe Food is our medicine. Our story. Our song. Telling our food stories is an opportunity to sing our tribal anthems. This is a global responsibility. We’ll be looking for you around the table. We’ll save you a seat okay? Help me map out “America’s Native Food Trail” by emailing René at with information about Native American Indian: chefs, restaurants, food films and cookbooks in your area. Then, watch this website come to life, creating a first-ever Native Food Trail for North America. |
From Resilience to Revolution to Restoration
Liberation Summit Nov. 6-8, 2024
By René Locklear White
By René Locklear White
I’m so excited to speak at the Liberation Summit this November in Rapid City! @ThunderValleyCDC has been hosting great Food Sovereignty and Media Summits for years, but this year they combined their summits to bring food, media, and language revitalization professionals together in a space dedicated to Lakota youth. I hope to see you there! #Liberation #Restoration #LiberationSummit #YouAreOnLakotaLand,"
This was initially a student-led initiative by University of N.C. at Pembroke's Student Fellow René Locklear White (Lumbee Indian) and her friend and mapmaker Aaron Carapella. Donations are gladly excepted for this volunteer project.